
10 Habits Of People Who Follow Their Dreams

10 Habits Of People Who Follow Their DreamsPosted in Uncategorized on July 20, 2014 by Selah OnePhoto by Esra Sam10 HABITS OF PEOPLE WHO FOLLOW THEIR DREAMSJUNE 24, 2014 BY ADMIN1. They see challenges as opportunitiesMost people interpret fears as obstacles and tend to run away from them. People who live their purpose successfully have developed the capacity to see fear as a sign of what they really need to go for and put all their courage and energy into it.2. They see life as a game.Having this vision of life opens up space for playfulness and creativity instead of limitation. This also cultivates qualities of resilience, problem solving and confidence that helps them take risks to get to the next big place.3. Living the life they want is the only option.They’re so committed to making their dreams a reality that they banish any possibility of a backup plan whatsoever from their mind. They don’t think things like, “If it doesn’t work, I’ll just go get a job.”4. They always speak their truth.They’re able to speak it because they make a conscious effort to connect to their truest desires, their inner voice, and their spirituality without fear of judgment. This connection is typically fostered through meditation, journaling, being mentored and being surrounded by like minded-people.5. They aren’t just dreamers: they act on their desires.Instead of getting stuck in their dreams, they snap right into action, no matter what it takes. Whether it’s quitting a job, getting out of a relationship that holds them back, investing in themselves or moving to a new location, they have the courage to do it. They do this by listening to, and then acting on, their intuition.6. They expect and know that they deserve the best.They expect that what they want is going to happen as if it were an inner-knowing. They expect and feel they deserve to earn well, do what they love, serve others using their gifts. The secret is that they still expect the best even when they don’t have all the answers as to how it’s going to happen.7. They have no fear or guilt when asking for what they want.Because they’re so connected to their passions, they aren’t afraid to ask for what they want. In fact, they understand that their success depends on others, so asking for what they want is part of the deal. They set their boundaries and express their needs without fear, guilt or shame. Best of all, this is a trait that earns them respect from others.8. They create their own rules.They create their own rules instead of fitting into society’s norms. They make decisions from a place of what they want to have instead of what they think they can have. This gives them the freedom to design their destiny.9. They’ve learned to be comfortable being uncomfortable.They don’t get stuck in having all the answers, making things perfect or trying to gain comfort by controlling everything. Instead, they’re aware that they’re not going to see the next step until they make the decision to move forward despite the discomfort.10. They have teachers, mentors and role models.Having teachers increases their awareness. They clearly understand that each time they’re getting ready to pursue their dreams all their limitations are going to come up to the surface so that they can let go of them. Having role models and mentors helps them quickly identify where they’re stuck so that they can immediately change their results.Article viavia 10 Habits Of People Who Follow Their Dreams.

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“Mind the gap” is a safety announcement, advising passengers of the London Underground metro system to be careful when stepping across the opening between train doors and station platforms. The world’s oldest underground subway system, built 151 years ago, the London Underground contains several stations with rounded platforms, constructed on a curve to avoid important structural foundations in the city. The railway runs straighter than these platforms, hence the unsafe gap between the two.

The design of the London Underground illustrates a simple principle of personal development: there’s a gap between where we stand, and where we’re trying to go. To be successful on our journey, we have to be aware of this space and prudent when crossing it. We have to mind the gaps of growth.

The Assumption Gap: Assuming Growth Is Automatic

Growth doesn’t just happen. Most people expect to grow naturally, as if by osmosis they can somehow magically absorb the lessons of life. They have no plan for purposeful improvement. They want to fix their problems, but they’re not intentional about fixing themselves. Since they neglect personal growth, they never manage to navigate the growth gap that separates their present reality from their future hopes and dreams.

The Knowledge Gap: Not Knowing How to Grow

The average person spends more time planning their vacation than their personal growth. Why do people devote so little attention to such a vital concern? Oftentimes, people are unwilling to bet on themselves. They want others to invest in them, but they’re unwilling to put their own time, money, and reputation on the line in order to better their lives. If you don’t expect yourself to succeed, why should anyone else? You won’t care to know how to grow until you’re convinced that you have extraordinary potential and confident that you can fulfill it.

The Timing Gap: Sensing the Time Isn’t Right to Begin

Lots of people embrace a philosophy that’s pro-life and procrastination. They want to live it up today so they delay doing anything requiring diligent effort and hard work. However, the longer you wait to do something you should do now the greater the odds that you will never do it.

The Mistake Gap: Fearing Failure.

Whenever we dare to try anything great, we’re going to fail somewhere along the way. You’re guaranteed to mess up from time to time as a leader. Avoiding mistakes doesn’t bring success; it keeps you trapped at your current level of growth.

The Inspiration Gap: Feeling Unmotivated.

Winners do what is right and then feel good as a result. Whiners want to feel good before they do what is right. Life involves an inescapable amount of pain, but it’s far better to endure the pain of discipline today than to suffer the pain of regret later.

READ MORE: http://www.johnmaxwell.com/blog/mind-the-gap?utm_source=WhatCounts+Publicaster+Edition&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Mind+the+Gap&utm_content=CLICK+HERE

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Before Honor Comes Humility – Leave Your Ego At The Door

RokPauz Re•Vu

Before Honor Comes Humility – Leave Your Ego At The Door

How to Leave Your Ego at the Door 

Thoughts on approaches that might maximize humility 

by Afraj Gill 

People often misidentify self-confidence for egotistical behaviour, and vice versa. These two have a very distinct difference. Confidence is usually backed with logic, reasoning or experience. An egotistical stance, on the other hand, might be backed with, well, some sort of inflexible stubbornness or heavy feeling of accomplishment.

Egos — big egos, especially — can be dangerous. They deter self-development and prevent the good flow of ideas and creativity, while also wounding reputation in the process.

Most of us fall victim to this — after all, we’re human. We might walk into a meeting so confident in our idea that we unintentionally turn a blind eye to other, superior possibilities or concepts. When we do this, we choose to listen less and talk more, only to find…

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How Important is the Hiring Process in your Business?

Recruiting and Hiring Top-Quality Employees

Follow these tips to ensure you’ll bring the right people into your company.

As all employers quickly learn, there’s a world of difference between a worker who’s correctly matched to their job and their organization, and one who is not.But how do you find and match the right people to the right jobs? By including, in your comprehensive people strategy, a well-structured recruiting and selection program. The key to successfully developing such a program is to follow a proven recruiting process for the positions you need to fill. Resist the temptation to omit steps, because shortcutting the process can shortchange your results. Here’s what you’ll need to do:

Additional Pre-Recruiting Tips

Before you start the hiring process, determine your strategy relative to how people fit into your organization. What is your process for making sure they’re a good fit with your company’s culture? Decide whether your approach to the cultural question should include a second interview. Also, who else, if anyone, do you involve in the interviews to help make this selection and judge the candidate? Your goal is to have a plan that will help you determine whether you have a qualified applicant who will fit into your company’s culture.
In addition, decide whether you’re going to conduct pre-employment testing. How much is it worth for you to know an individual’s strengths and weaknesses, not just as a hire/don’t hire test, but as a coaching tool to help you determine their training needs and the best approach to maximize the person’s productivity? Pre-employment testing is often overlooked, when it could be a very valuable tool. For example, if you find an applicant who fits the job description and appears to be the person you want to hire, pre-employment testing can help you determine how to work with them more effectively and move them along in your organization.If you want your business to attract and retain good clients, your comprehensive people strategy must include a recruiting and selection strategy that attracts and retains quality employees. Following a well-thought-out, structured process will help you best match the right people to the right jobs in your company.   SOURCE: http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/76182#

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